The Dollar Pledge is now CLOSED. Thanks for your support! We will compile the results and publish them soon!
Dollars to Charity

FAQ - More Information

The dollar pledge provides the MIT community with simple way to give towards MIT's mission while registering your support for students. To participate in the Dollar Pledge, you 1) donate the mimimum amount ($1) to MIT through the Alumni Association, 2) donate to a charity of your choice, and 3) tell administrators at MIT that you are doing this to register your displeasure with the way that student life decisions are being made.

02/17/11: A statement from MIT admins and student leaders on the future of REX

The Dollar Pledge donation drive concluded on Friday, Feb 18th. We exceeded our goals of 100 alumni donors and a total of $10,000 over the 3 week initiative. We hope that this will encourage alumni to strengthen their ties with current students at MIT, and we thank everyone for their participation and support.

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